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作者:Vardas 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/9/1 17:49:28    加入收藏
 关键字:心力衰竭 CRT ICD 

P E Vardas  ESC2011新当选主席

    <International Circulation>: Predictor of CRT “nonresponders” is always a hot topic in the field of CRT. Until now no parameters were proved to be available, no matter ultrasonic or cardioelectronic. Could you talk about any new findings in this issue? If we could not find a single factor with high predictive value for nonresponders, could we set a score consisting of several independent factors? 


    Prof Vardas: Indeed, at the moment we do not have a universal parameter which can detect 100% of non-responders and furthermore we have not been able to devise a score in predicting these non-responding patients. However, we have to be aware of a very important issue that is that we should select patients very carefully for CRT before we pay attention to the non-responders. According to the guidelines, we have to fufill certain characteristics for these patients in order to include them in this therapy. One criterion is judged by the electrocardiogram and secondly you have to realize that a lot of the implanters are not very expereinced to ensure optimal results for the patient. During, implantation you have to select the optimal veins and sometimes this is not the case in some centres. In terms of new developments in detecting non-responders, there has not been anything strikingly new. However, using ECHO criteria, we have a better expereince in differentiating between the responders and non-responders. I know that in the scientific community, there has been talk about a possible predicive score, but as of yet nothing has been confirmed and tested at the moment.


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