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——大会日程委员会主席Michael Bohm教授专访

作者:MichaelBohm 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/8/30 15:25:08    加入收藏
 关键字:ESC2011  心力衰竭 心率  β受体阻滞剂 

    <International Circulation>: Do you think the new generation of heart rate lowering agent will replace β-blockers?

    Prof.Bohm: The trial we have done so far is the SHIFT trial and it has provided evidence that the drug Ivabradine, because it is the only available IFN channel inhibitor at present, gives an et on effect to beta-blockers. On the other hand, we have learned that 50% of patients on beta-blockers have heart rates above 70. The conclusion from this is that there is a component of heart rate that is not sensitive to beta-blockers. In particular in these patients it is very useful to have a drug like Ivabradine to reduce heart rate and thereby reduce adverse events.

    Bohm教授: 目前SHIFT 研究首推新药:Ivabradine,它是目前唯一可以提取的干扰素受体拮抗剂,在体内试验的效果与β阻滞剂等同。另外我们发现服用β阻滞剂者中有50%的患者心率还在70次/分以上,这表明相当一部分患者对β阻滞剂不敏感,他们需要类似Ivabradine这样的新药控制心率 继而改善预后。


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